How do I reset my password?
You can reset your password at the Reset Password page
Where do I find descriptions of the session?
When you are on the Sessions page then you will click on the session title to get a overview of the session, presenter(s) information and how to join (on the day of the event).
Will session recordings be available to watch?
The website will be updated with the recordings a week after the conference is complete if that session is recorded.
How can I connect with the presenters?
Visit the Presenter page to view all the presenters. Click on the presenter to view their bio, contact info, get their resources, follow them social media and on this event website.
How do I complete my profile?
Go to your user account page. Complete your account by clicking the gear icon to the right of your name and then click Edit Profile. Add or change your photo, bio, position and where at with along with all your contact information.